Today was the first snow day at school. This is a big deal because Stephens hasn't canceled class in ages (or at least 5 years). We spent most of the day doing homework & watching the snow fall while relaxing in our room-sized fort that we built last night.
When we finally decided it was time to get some dinner, the group of us bundled up and and departed for Stamper. As we devoured our meals, we discussed all sorts of strange topics. The first one was what animals we would be. It was decided that Dylan would be a duck, I would be like the Geico Gecko, Rudi would be a red panda, & so on. Then we somehow ended up on what Sesame Street characters we would be. Danielle was Cookie/Veggie Monster, Rudi the Count, Courtney was Elmo, Dylan was Zoe, & I was Grover just to name a few. This went on for quite a while.
After sitting in the cafeteria for about an hour, we decided that it was time to make the journey back to Roblee. Once we stripped off our layers, we decided that it was high time to watch a good movie. Our first choice was Paris, je'Taime but alas it kept skipping. But from what we saw, we all enjoyed it. When we took it out, we exchanged it for The Aristocats (which is one of my favorite Disney movies).
As we enjoyed the movie, we discussed which is better: cats or dogs. I noticed that most of us chose cats over dogs & my guys friends chose dogs over cats. I wonder if, as men & women, we are genetically programed to think this way or if it's just by chance. If that is the case, then how am I going to find a guy that I want to spend the rest of my life with if he doesn't want a cat?

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