Today was the last of our snow days, & I spent it like a final snow day should be spent: I slept in until noon & sat around the dorm all day. Things that I needed to get done got done like cleaning the water in my fish's bowl, washing my dishes, doing my homework from three days ago, taking a shower, & other normal things that a person should do all the time.
After a while of just sitting around at my desk, Rudi (the roomie) & I decided that it's time to venture out into the world & get some grub. All day we've been craving some good ol' fashioned Thai food & we were dead set on getting some for dinner. As we were about to get ready for our little adventure into the chilly world that is Columbia, Missouri our dear friend Dylan Shelofsky stopped by to see if we wanted to get some dinner. We told her our plan to get some scrumptious food & she was overjoyed to join us.
It was quite a long & chilly walk to Bangkok Gardens. Dylan showed us a shortcut, which was much appreciated, & we got there in record time. We were seated in the balcony & it took us no time at all to realize what we were going to eat. I got some delicious tofu with pineapple, red & green bell peppers, carrots, & onions & a ginger beer. Everything was so delicious I didn't want to stop eating. & when we thought we couldn't eat anymore food, we decided to split some sticky rice. It was some of the best food I have had in a long time.

Once we finished our lovely meal & even lovelier conversation, we bundled back up & headed back to campus. We frolicked through the side streets not really caring to look to see if there was any ice on the sidewalk. This proved to be a bit of a problem for Rudi, because as we continued down Cherry Street she slipped on some black ice. It all happened in slow motion & the only thing that Dylan & I could think to do was to reach out to help her & say something along the lines of Uhhhh!! Unfortunately, neither of these things assisted Rudi & she fell to the ground. Luckily she was unharmed. When we finally got to Broadway, we did not feel like waiting for the GO!! symbol at the crosswalk, so we decided to run across the street & yell random noises like it would stop any cars from hitting us.
Today was an all around good day. It has gone by in such a wierd way, like not too fast but not too slow. It's like spending the day in limbo. & it just keeps going & going like the Energizer Bunny. & what I came to realize was that I have more fun when I do things sponaneously than when I plan things out. It's because when things don't go according to plan, you get bummed out & it's hard to jump back onto the happy wagon. I think from now on I"m going to just let things happen naturally instead of trying to plan things out, step by step. It's going to make things so much easier & a lot more fun.